Stories from your neighbors: Meet Nancy and Bruce

Bruce and Nancy.jpg

Names: Nancy and Bruce

Neighborhood: Inverness

Type of rental: JADU

Why did you decide to rent/build a JADU?

We designed our house with a bedroom that had its own entrance, and when our son moved out we used it as an office but didn’t really need all that space. I had heard about the workshop at CLAM with Rachel Ginis and went the first day, and then invited my husband to join in the second part of the workshop. We were both quite excited by the Junior Second Unit concept.  It felt like a win/win project to create an affordable unit for someone in need and knowing the challenge of finding a rental in West Marin.

What has your experience been like since you started renting? What have been the benefits?

Our experience has been quite good. We’ve had two renters so far and both people have been great. Having a rental helps us pay our property taxes and if we want to leave on a trip (this is in the future, I hope), there will be a person living in the house and that makes us feel more secure about leaving, since we live in a rather isolated area with few neighbors.

How did CLAM/RCR support you in this process?

We had never been landlords before and having CLAM handle the screening of a potential renter to make sure both of us and the renter would work well together has been a great benefit. CLAM also has made sure that our renters were qualified and would only be paying up to a third of their monthly income, which is very reassuring, as we care about setting reasonable rents.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about this program?

We would encourage anyone who is considering this program to contact CLAM to find out if their home has the space that qualifies it as a JADU. CLAM has the expertise to assist you in this process!

What is your favorite part of being a resident of West Marin/what do you love most about this community?

We love living here in West Marin and selecting one favorite part is impossible, since living here includes the wonderful people, the clean air, living near Tomales Bay where we can swim several months of the year, the spring wildflowers, the libraries, the Dance Palace, the PR National Seashore, the migrating whales, the ability to grow veggies and plants for pollinators, the trees, the birds, the hikes, the ocean beaches and the weather!



BEFORE: Conversion of laundry room to kitchenette and bathroom

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AFTER: Conversion of laundry room to kitchenette and bathroom

Bruce'sAfter copy.jpg

Stories from your neighbors: Meet John and Ruth


Stories from your neighbors: Meet Emily